Today is World Malaria Day and marks the unified commemoration of the global effort to provide effective control of malaria throughout the world. Each one of us should be aware and support the United Nations target for 2010 to deliver effective and affordable protection and treatment to all people at risk of malaria.
The Butterfly Tree supports Africa Malaria programs by providing malaria testing kits for Mukuni Health Centre and Katapazi Health Centre. Despite the Zambian government’s efforts there is always a shortfall. By topping up this vital supply of malaria testing kits more lives can be saved. Pregant women, babies and HIV/AIDS sufferers are particularly vulnerable. My first involvement at Mukuni back in March 2006 was to see a woman recovering from malaria as a result of our support. Zambia has the most deadly and most common form of malaria – Plasmodium falciparum, treatment is available once diagnosis has been obtained.
World Malaria Day supports young Mukuni boy vulnerable to malaria
For World Malaria Day The Butterfly Tree is making an appeal on Touch Radio, Twitter and Facebook to ask everyone to donate just £1 to purchase a malaria testing kit. Your donation could save somone’s life.