To date we are sponsoring orphans from the following schools: Mukuni Primary and Secondary Schools, Ngandu, Muskotwane and River View Secondary, Kamwi, Ndele, Chaba, N’songwe, Mahalulu, Chuunga, and Siamasimbi Primary Schools
- 2010 saw the first of our high school leavers at Mukuni; Victor Simango is a security guard at the Royal Livingstone Officer and James Simalonga a security guard at Stanley Safari Lodge
- 2011 two of the first boys to be sponsored by The Butterfly Tree Peter Liyungu and Mudendo Hazyendo have gained excellent results and are awaiting university places
- 2011 commenced Peer Education program for HIV and AIDS Prevention
- 2012 jacob Siatubitu, sponsored orphan, joins The Butterfly Tree Team in Zambia
- 2012 twenty orphans are being sponsored on vocational courses after completing school. These courses include teaching, computing, and hotel management.
- 2012 orphans receive visit from HRH The Princess Royal
- 2013 eighteen orphans seeking employment after successfully gaining their collage certificate
- 2013 three orphans continue with teachers’ training course in Livingtone
- 2013 initiation of sustainable income-generating projects for orphans
- 2013 orphan sponsorship reaches out to pupils at Mukuni, Kamwi, N’gandu, Siamasimbi and N’dele schools.
- 2014 pupils from Chuunga and Mahalulu are now being sponsored
- 2014 five students are currently being sponsored for further education in teacher’s training and agriculture
- 2015 two students completed teacher’s training courses
- 2015 seventeen out of twenty students find employment after receiving sponsorship for vocational training
- 2015 a number of new orphans from several schools added to the orphan sponsorship program in January
- 2016 orphans who have completed school are volunteering for the The Butterfly to gain experience
- 2016 seven students are being sponsored in further education
- 2016 school leavers, while waiting to go to college, earn money building houses for widows and orphans
- 2017 more orphans being sponsored & volunteering for the charity
- 2017 Brian, former sponsored orphan training to be a pilot in South Africa
- 2017 Jacob graduates from Agricultural College and employed as an assistant supervisor on a big farm
- 2018 eight students being sponsored a college for plumbing, electrics, building and tailoring
- 2018 more orphans from five schools being sponsored