Water for Mukuni Villages

We have all complained about the heavy rainfall this summer, not giving a thought to the fact that our rivers and reservoirs are full, enabling us all to have an abundance of water for drinking, bathing, washing and watering the garden. When you have to rely on unpurified river water for drinking, which you then have to carry a great distance to your home, you really have something to complain about!

The risk of disease, river blindness and the fear of crocodiles are all concerns that people living in remote communities in Zambia have to contend with. Now three village schools can benefit from new bore holes thanks to our partners Just a Drop, who are generously donating funds for us to build boreholes at Mukuni, Katapazi and Siamasimbi Schools. No longer will the children have to carry water to school instead they will experience for the first time the taste of safe water in their school grounds.

Photo: Women and children from Chise Village, Mukuni Chiefdom

The Butterfly Tree is now providing support to five schools in the Mukuni Chiefdom and supporting over 120 orphans in education. I will be leaving for Zambia tomorrow and no doubt there will be many more children who have lost their parents since my last trip in June. It is vital to give these children the essentials in life – water, food, health and education. They are the generation who could make a difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS. With your support this can happen, if you would like to sponsor a child, provide funds for a feeding program or donate funds for a bore hole, your support will be greatly appreciated. 100% of all donations go directly to the cause.

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