Philanthropy in Schools

In a recent program the Big Give set up a scheme in schools to inspire the next generation of philanthropers, using the Dragon School in Oxford as a pilot. After researching 6000 charities on the site three were selectecd as the finalists. This is the email we received from the school ‘We have been engaged in a project to encourage philanthropy in schools via the Big Give, of all the 6000 charities on their site, I choose The Butterfly Tree because I really like the work that you are doing and I believe that you will spend the money in the right way’.

Philanthropy in Schools: Machenje pre-school children

This is just one of the many schools offering support to the charity. I recently spoke to my local village school, Wolverton Primary, for the fourth consecutive year. The interest they have shown in our projects and desire to learn about the orphans effected by HIV and Aids  in Zambia is truly inspiring, the school also sponsor an orphan from Mukuni Village. Other schools to offer support are Fountaindale Special Education School, Farlingaye High School, Arden School, Marston Green Primary School, Monikie Primary School and Cromwell Junior School to name but a few.

Jube Musonda on The Butterfly Tree orphan sponsorship program

Education is not free in Zambia and it is important for children in western countries to realise how fortunate they are. Education is the key to improving the lives of African children without it there is little hope. There are a number of ways for schools to support The Butterfly Tree – by fundraising for a specific project, sponsor an orphan or through social networking such as Facebook. I recently submitted a story to Facebook, after learning that they are creating a new page, to highlight causes that have been enhanced through Social networking: ‘We liked your story so much that we’d like to feature it on a new page on Facebook we’re creating from people like you around the world’.

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