Brady Corporation is an international manufacturer and marketer of complete solutions that identify and protect premises, products and people. After their European division visited Mukuni Village on a business incentive trip in 2011 Brady Italia has supported The Butterfly Tree through regular donations.

Precious Mufilila – sponsored orphan, Mukuni High School

The company initially donated blankets and stationery when they arrived at Mukuni Basic School. The Italian division were so moved by the children and the work of the charity that they offered on going support to The Butterfly Tree. Since their visit they have provided sponsorship for sixteen orphans, treatment for a number of sick children, medical supplies and funds for the under-fives’ feeding program.

Brady Italia employees saw first hand the need and poor facilities and has provided invaluable support to The Butterfly Tree and Mukuni Village since 2011.


Chaton has received on going medical treatment funded by Brady Italia

Company website:

The Butterfly Tree is seeking corporate sponsorship to build more classrooms, teacher’s houses, bore holes, community houses and for the orphan sponsorship program. Your support could make a huge difference to a local community who need only the essentials in life – WATER, FOOD, HEALTH and EDUCATION. For more information contact us.