ENRC is one of the leading diversified natural resources groups with integrated mining, processing, energy, logistical and marketing operations. In 2011 ENRC Marketing AG selected The Butterfly Tree, out of hundreds of charities operating in Africa, as the charity having the best proven record of transparency and the fact that the charity is solely run by volunteers. The company’s marketing department donated a substantial amount of money raised from a fundraising challenge.
Widow supporting five orphans received a house funded by ENRC marketing
The fundraising challenge, initiated by their CEO, generated a great deal of interest from their employees and suppliers. Jane Kaye-Bailey representing The Butterfly Tree, was invited to Zurich, at the expense of the company to give a presentation and receive the cheque. The money was used to built a teacher’s house, five community houses and funding of health projects. This has helped a number of families to overcome poverty related problems in Mukuni, N’gandu and Kamwi villages.
Jane Kaye-Bailey receiving a cheque from ENRC Marketing employees
A further donation was received in December 2012 after another successful fundraising challenge from ENRC’s Marketing AG employees – the money was used to build a Special Education unit for children with mental and physical disabilities. The employees were so delighted with the result of this project that they held an ‘International’ luncheon to raise money for materials and equipment in July 2013. We are so grateful to receive this generous support.
ENRC Marketing AG employees ‘International’ luncheon
Employess of the company support individual orphans.
The Butterfly Tree is seeking corporate sponsorship to build more classrooms, teacher’s houses, bore holes, community houses and for the orphan sponsorship program. Your support could make a huge difference to a local community who need only the essentials in life – WATER, FOOD, HEALTH and EDUCATION. For more information contact us.