World AIDS Day 2008

Today is World AIDS Day 2008, 33 million people worldwide are living with HIV and the numbers are growing. Zambia has one of the highest statistics, with one in six adults infected and 710,00 children orphaned. At Mukuni Village alone there are over 400 orphans, without the help of The Butterfly Tree orphan sponsorship program many of them would not receive an education.

The Butterfly Tree has a number of projects running all of which play a vital role in overcoming this devasting disease. Our under fives feeding program, is the first to be intiated in Zambia. We provide formula to replace breastmilk in mothers who are HIV positive, preventing mother to child transmission and this has also encouraged more women to come forward to be tested.

Young girl from Mukuni

With a grant from Avert we support the Tusole Lwangunko Group who do amazing volunteer work, providing workshops, voluntary testing and sensitization programs. We have also partnered with a charity called TME who supply us with educational DVDS on four HIV/AIDS topics and have distributed them throughout the nation.

The Butterfly Tree believes that the only way to overcome the  pandemic of HIV and AIDS in Zambia is through education. We have four HIV/AIDS programs running in Zambia and your donations will help us to continue these vital programs, alternatively you purchase a 2009 charity calendar for only £4 plus postage.





Please give your to support to one of these projects The Butterfly Tree is totally committed in helping to prevent the people from loosing the next generation, your generosity could help too!

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