Special Education for Mukuni

Life in Zambia is tough for a school child, especially if you an orphan and have little financial support to pursue your education. Life is is even tougher if you are a child with physical or mental disabilities. The Butterfly Tree has been working on a number of ways that we can help these disadvanteged children. Now thanks to some amazing offers we are able to set up a Special Education department.

The Besom has generously donated funds to buy the materials for a classoom block to be built at Mukuni Basic School. The charity and community will supply the labour costs. We have also received a grant from St James Place Foundation Newbury Office, which will pay for materials and uniforms for the pupils. Fountaindale Special School in Mansfield, who caters for children with severe disabilities are offering on going support through fundraising and the provison of materials. They have held a number of events to raise funds for these African children who they believe to be worse off than they are. I am so touched by the genorosity of this school as their pupils need so much care and yet their selflessness will improve the lives of children who need special education in Mukuni Village.

Special Education for Mukuni: Siabajene has learning difficulties

This will be a great advancement for Mukuni and Zambia education as very little is available from the government who will only provide a teacher. To further enhance this project you can donate a donkey to transport a disabled child to school or sponsor an orphan.

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