According to the World Health Organization access to safe drinking-water is a basic human right, and yet a third of Zambia’s population do not have safe drinking water. In 2019 Zambia experienced the worst drought for 30 years, rivers and streams were completely dry, crops perished, hunger was widespread and livestock died. In some areas people were walking 26km daily to draw water from the nearest borehole. The Butterfly Tree has installed over 40 boreholes in schools, health centres, and for communities. The boreholes provide safe clean water, reducing diarrhoeal disease cases and the hours women and children must walk to draw water. In addition, boreholes and water reticulation systems provide water for vegetable gardens and food production units during the dry season from April to November.

‘The solar powered water supply system provides flowing water to our school at all times. Readily available water makes the food production unit viable, hence the production of vegetables and fruits for a sustainable school feeding programme.’  lloyd Kasela – Deputy Head Teacher, Singwamba School.

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