Malaria season at Mukuni

October in Zambia sees the temperatures soaring to over 40 degrees. After 6 months of parched earth and clear blue skies the clouds start to form as the rainy season approaches bringing a welcome relief for everything to come alive – seeds and crops can be sown, the dry streams fill up and the burden of walking long distances to draw water finally eases. For everyone this is a time to rejoice including the dreaded mosquitoes. With the rains comes a higher risk of catching Africa malaria, the biggest killer of man, over one million deaths occur each year. 75% of all deaths are children under the age of five in Sub-Sahara Africa and Mukuni is no exception.

Africa Malaria – help to prevent this young Mukuni boy from getting malaria

Mosquito nets should be provided by the government for all under fives and pregnant women, however this is not always the case. Working in rural villages I find that there is a huge shortfall with several children sleeping under one net. Equally as important are malaria testing kits as the disease is easily treated if caught in time. In the areas where we have distributed nets no new cases have been reported, however there were 65 new cases in an area where we were unale to reach. Mukuni Health Centre has not received any testing kits for three years from the health department and without our support the statistics would be much higher. Thanks to a generous annual donation from Saga Charitble Trust we are able to provide vital workshops, educating the communities on the dangers of Africa malaria and the importance of nets and testing kits.

Buy this song – it could save a child’s life

Earlier this year we launched a charity song called, ‘Change for the Better‘ to raise further awareness and funds for the global fight against malaria. Basement Entertainment are hosting an event, to celebrate Zambian Independence Day, in London on the 23rd October to further promote the cause. Their theme will be ‘Change for the Better’ and The Butterfly Tree with be the beneficiary of this event. The CD and download are available for purchase, with all profits going to our malaria program, via:

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