Fundraising can be a fun approach to helping a particular cause you care about and a way of giving something back. Whether you are an individual or a group it can be rewarding to know that your hard earned efforts are going to help those less fortunate. The Butterfly Tree raises its funds through grants, sponsorship, corporate, clubs, schools, individuals and initiatives.

The Butterfly Tree has earned a sound reputation for best utilising donor funds, for getting things done and for sending regular feedback to our donors and sponsors. If you would like to get involved in fundraising here are some examples of ways this can be done:

  • Hosting a function – dinner, music event, auction of promise or a party
  • Holding a raffle, selling donated items, donating to registered on line websites such as Ebay for Charities 
  • Holding ‘no’ uniform days or a cake stall at school or work
  • Participating in a sporting events – marathons, cycling, swimming, walks, climbing expeditions

Anyone wishing to get involved can have their own ‘live’ page to raise funds for an event or function using Kindlink, that take donations including ‘Gift Aid’ on our behalf. Kindlink is free in comparison to Just Giving, who deduct administration fees.

We can provide you with advertising material and information about specific projects you wish to donate to. No matter how small raising funds can help buy essential items such as exercises books, seeds for schools and vital mosquito nets. Larger donations can go towards building community houses and classrooms for schools or for water projects.

PayPal Giving Fund is 100% free to charities in the UK and has a 501 (c) 3 certificate facility for US donors.

For our US supporters we have partnered with GlobalGiving, which has a 501 (c) 3 certificate. Our Orphan Support project gives a chance for you to raise funds and donate to the projects that involve the orphans. Alternatively we have a Seeds for Life and a Malaria Prevention projects on their site.

For further information or to request advertising material contact us.